Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Questions with Seth Whitney

1.   What has been one take away you have learned thus far in the Month of April as it relates to playing AAU basketball?
This month in the AAU tournament, I learned that the players that are there are taking basketball seriously.  I learned that we each need to preform at a higher level.  This combination pf play, makes the games more challenging and a lot quicker then any thing I have played in before. This challenge allows for me to learn and become better competitor.

2. What do you believe you brought to (or can bring to) the team?
I believe that I bring to a team a good sense of competitiveness on the court.  I also believe I bring strong character and someone who my teammates know they can depend on both on and off the court. I want to become a player that can help bring motivation to the team no matter how the game is going.

3.  How do you channel your frustration when the referee’s decision doesn’t go your way?
I understand that the referees are calling the game from their vantage point.  I try to remember that they are seeing the game through the eyes of rules and experience.  Even if I do not believe that the call is correct, I know if I dwell on that thought too long, I will miss an opportunity to preform in the next moment of the game.  Also, I look at the whole game and realize that my complaints can hurt my entire team.

4.  What aspect of your game comes easiest to you?
The aspect of the game that comes easiest for me is the physical part of the game.  I am not afraid of physical contact, in fact I enjoy that part of the game. Having that be easy, helps me preform or focus better in others areas because I do not worry about physical contact or rough play.

5.  What aspect of your game is the most difficult for you to master?
The most difficult part of the game for me to master is making smart decisions with fouls. Because I like to be physical on the court, sometimes I am challenged to understand the strategy behind when to foul or when to let a play go.

6.  What has basketball taught you that carries over into the other areas of your life?
This is one of my favorite parts of playing the game of basketball.  There are so many aspects that carry over into daily life.  The game has taught me hard work and to not give up on something no matter how difficult it gets. There have been times when I have been challenged in my daily life and I think to myself "what would I do in this moment if it were on a court?  I'd find 6th gear and power through."   The great thing about that thought, is that the more we power through those challenging moments both on and off the court, the stronger we become each day as a person. I find that basketball and life have a lot in common. Work hard, play hard!! 

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