Monday, April 22, 2019

Questions with Josh Lutu


What has been one take away you have learned thus far in the Month of April as it relates to playing AAU basketball?
(My response will be in reference to the leagues played in American Samoa in the months of March and April 2019 as AAU basketball is not available in American Samoa)
The basic formula for success in the game of basketball can be applied to any success I seek in life.  Willingness to learn, hard work, discipline, endurance, being a team player and enjoying every moment.  I recognized that embracing growth of challenges especially during the heat of the game instead of allowing myself to be frustrated has helped me to grow as a person and as a player. 
Being a leader is important, especially in the Game of Basketball. Which means it is crucial for players to take responsibility. Despite my frustration with the referees, teammates, myself, or the opposing team, I have learned that the best way to overcome these challenges is to love the Game. Enjoying every second from playing, to sitting and observing on the bench, to training, comforts me, because it is a healthy way to play and learn.

    What would you change if you could replay the season?
I would change the way I initially approached the season as it was my first time trying out for our high school Varsity basketball team and my first experience playing in the men’s league.  Instead of approaching it as trying to prove that I deserved to be selected on the team, I should have approached it as someone eager to contribute and learn.  This focus delayed my ability to assimilate into a different coaching style to be able to play as a team member instead of an individual trying to prove something and made my experience much more enjoyable.  Fortunately, I had a good coach that helped me see this barrier that was inhibiting my skills before the actual season started.

   How did you stay motivated after losing a game?
Staying motivated after losing a game is sometimes easy and definitely not the best feeling.  I stay motivated by focusing on what I can improve for the next game.  I also approach this from the onset of the game by putting my best effort in any game.  This helps me to feel content after loosing a game knowing I did my job and must accept the outcome.  Then I look to the next game or next season and focus on winning in the classroom.
   How do you channel your frustration when the referee’s decision doesn’t go your way?
I am not going to lie; this is a hard one for me and sometimes it feels like the referee has something against me.  Obviously, there is nothing I can do about this in a game besides, keep playing and doing my best and leave the referee to my coach.  I also do what my mother always says, “kill them with kindness”.  I find that if the referee finds that I am not challenging every call they continue to call it and seem to shift their focus on the person who is challenging every call.  While I know at times I did not foul, focusing on a bad call will only affect my mental game so I just focus on the next play and scoring.

 Do you have any rituals that you must perform before a game and why?
My main ritual is reflecting on the gifts God has blessed me with such as the ability to play, the privilege to be part of the team I play for, my family and their support, my coaches, teammates, and supporters, then I say a prayer asking the Lord to help me to apply what I have learned, and to keep me and my team safe.  I then like to just have a quiet moment for about five minutes to focus my mind on the game.  I then turn to my coach for instructions, team prayers, then the regular warm up.
11. What is the worst practice you ever endured?

Our first Practice for our high school basketball 2019 season was by far the worst practice I have ever been to. While all my teammates were trying to make a good first impression, I was trying to make a statement. I was not a team player and it showed and affected the practice and the moods of the others who were trying out.  I lacked the right attitude and it resulted in the worse practice I ever endured.  Practice seemed long and basketball was not fun that day.  I quickly learned that what caused the negative outcome and experience of my worst practice was something I had control over. 

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