Friday, September 29, 2017

Questions with Jordan

How did you stay motivated after losing a game?
How do you deal with the pressure of having to perform in front of the crowd?
How do you channel your frustration when the referee’s decision doesn’t go your way?
What are you thinking when you get benched in a game?
Do you have any rituals that you must perform before a game and why?

What was the most important game you played? Why?
How do you want your team mates to remember you?
If you didn’t play basketball what sport would you like to play? why?

Jordan Williams:

1) After a loss, I am usually upset because I wanted to win. I have that competitiveness in me. I stay motivated by thinking about what I could have done better. Then when I realize what I need to work on, I go to the gym to work on what I needed to work on so that I never get that taste in my mouth again.
2) What I do to deal with the pressure when having to perform in front of a big crowd is putting my headphones in, go sit in a place where I am isolated, visualize what I want to do in the game and where I want to be in the future with basketball.
3) I get frustrated when a call does not go my way so I try not to show it and I just flip the page and get ready for the next play. There is no point in dwelling on the past. You have to move on because basketball is non-stop, play after play.
4) When I am benched in a game, I think about the reason why I was taken out. I think about my last run and what I did during that time that could have helped or hurt us. Then after that, I  think about what I need to do better for the next time I get put in. 
5) I have some rituals before a game. The night before, I lay in bed and visualize the whole game. On game day, I put my headphones in, tune everyone out and visualize again how I want to play. It is almost like a reminder. Before that, I always say a prayer before the game to remind myself where I come from and also that God is always first.
6) I have not really had the most important game because I try to look at every game the same and prepare the same. I feel like if I look at one game as "higher than another" or "more important", then I will not play like I know I can.
7) I want my team mates to remember me as a leader, and that person that always pushes them to work harder. I also want to lead by example and work harder than everyone so I can motivate them. I feel like if my team sees me going hard, then they will  be motivated and



realize what it takes to get where they want to be. I want to be remembered as the hardest working person that they knew.
8) If I did not play basketball, I think I would play football. I love the spirit that football players have and they have so much love for the game like I do with basketball. I like to be around that passionate atmosphere because it lifts my spirit and makes me feel confident.

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