Monday, November 12, 2018

On Campus with...

On Campus with...
Jordan Williams
Freshman at Wisconsin Lutheran University

The first day of campus is very very welcoming. I had no clue what to expect and the people on campus did a very good job at introducing me to people and showing me around. Everyone is trying to get their stuff set up for the school year and everyone is super excited. For freshman there are different groups and activities to help you settle in and It is a great time. 

Being so far away from home is just very awkward. You don’t have your parents to cook you food, you don’t have your parents to pick you up and take you out. You have to figure out how to get around on your own. I have mini jobs, like working soccer games, to help for food and haircuts. On the weekends, we only get two meals so we have to find a way to get food, and my parents aren’t here to take me out to get food or cook for me.

The first week of practice is a lot of fun and exciting, but there is a lot of teaching. Everyone is pumped up and loud and clapping. The coaches are even pumped and excited. Then there is the teaching. The team is still trying to figure out the routines, and how he wants things done. Before your first day of practice in the off-season, there are open-runs, and you get to show off your skillset. When the first day of practice comes, you have to be able to play within the teams structure. Some people play better when practice starts, and some mediocre.The first week is definitely one of the best weeks of the season.
OC Magic Basketball, Inc.

On Campus with...

On Campus with...
Anthony Mendoza
Freshman at Wisconsin Lutheran University.

My first day on campus was filled with many mixed emotions. I already knew a few of my teammates on the basketball team including my roommate who was my teammate on my club team in California because of this I felt more comfortable. I knew I would miss my Mom and Brother very much but I was very excited to make new friends and experience college. We had a full schedule of freshman orientation as well as many activities to meet other freshman which was fun. 

I discovered being far away from home I have realized that you realize what kind of a person I am. Different regions of the United States believe strongly in certain subjects that the region you grew up in would be very strange. I have realized if I want to keep my personal identity and beliefs I must consciously acknowledge them and even voice them when you get the chance. In this I noticed subconsciously I act very much like the men I grew up looking up to. 

The first week of practice went very well. The first very days were very strenuous as I was not prepared because I had recently came off of an ankle sprain and  was consequently out of shape, however my body adjusted very fast. I was very sore but I played very well and was making a good case to earn playing time but would soon sprain the same ankle I had recovered from a week earlier. This was very frustrating the only thing I could do at that point would be to rehab myself to prepare to be ready upon my return. 
OC Magic Basketball, Inc.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

On Campus with...

On Campus with...
Clarissa Perez
Senior at University of LaVerne

Hey coach, 
I hope you and the family are doing well! I loved the point guard series. It was well needed. I am doing well, and ready to start the season! I anticipate getting ranked top 25 in the nation and making it far in playoffs both in conference and post season play. Senior season is finally here! 

OC Magic Basketball Inc.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

On Campus with..

On Campus with...
Francesca Facchini of Western Wyoming College.

My team's preparation for season is going good. We already played two tournaments , one in Colorado and one in Utah, and we had great improvement in both. We are building good team chemistry. Friday and Saturday we have two games in Utah and we need to prove and show all the work that we put in these last months. I am very excited. I can't wait to play and give everything I can and more on the court. 

OC Magic Basketball Inc.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

On Campus with...

On Campus with...
Dewayne Holmes

Dewayne is a player at College of the Siskiyous.

It is going great here! We were ranked 10th in the state and play our first game this Friday! Hopefully we can keep it up and only get better! I’ve been able to run the team and have huge responsibilities on this team! With me and others we will always play hard and only get better !

OC Magic Basketball, Inc.

On Campus with...

On Campus with..
Gage Shelmidine.

OC Magic is very proud to present a quick view with Gage.


I’m loving it at Pacific University! This is my first time living somewhere where leaves actually change colors and fall off of the trees. It’s absolutely beautiful! While I do miss being close to the ocean, I keep plenty busy out here between classes, basketball, and working full time. Season is just around the corner, and I am very excited! This is the best shape I’ve ever been in. We run A LOT here haha. We have to be in great shape because of the fast paced style of basketball we play. This is going to be a very fun and exciting season for sure!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Questions with Conner Dunn

Who are your sports heroes and what do you admire about them?

1.      Kobe Bryant is my sports hero. Kobe is the person who  never gives up. Whether down by 20 or up by 20 he gives 100% on the court. He is the person that will show up to the gym two hours before you even if you showed up an hour early. Kobe’s passion for the game is like no other.  He is mentally tough and his game IQ is unequalled.
2.    What do all good coaches have in common?
All Good Coaches can get their players to play together like one and work together as a team.  Good coaches are good communicators.  They know how to motivate players when the team is struggling. Good coaches can make all players better and the best they can favorite coach would be you. No matter how good I have ever gotten you push me to the next level. You show me how good I could really become, and it makes me thankful.

Have you had any serious injuries to overcome?

The only injury that has really set me back is my right ankle When I went to the doctor he said that my muscles in my ankles have been completely stretched out. They have always been bad and has contributed to serious knee pain as well. The only way I can overcome it is just working through the pain when I have it.

How difficult is it to balance school work and athletics?

1.      Sometimes it can be hard but its only going to get harder. If I just stay on top of my school stuff and get my homework done every night I’m usually pretty good. I need to be a little more organized so I don’t miss practices.

How much time is spent training and practicing?

1.      Right now, I have basketball during my 7th period class every day. And then after school I either do weight training or basketball practice every day except Sunday. And then games on the weekend. This averages out to 10 hours per week not including games. 

What have you learned about teamwork from being on this team? How does the team make you a better player? 
   I have always been a person that likes teamwork, I try hard to be a team player and look for good passes and situations to score. The 2- man drills that we run really help in the games when you need to score. I know my team will always have my back and I will cover theirs.  The team I am on now plays at a level that pushes me to be a better player. 
OC Magic Basketball

Friday, May 25, 2018

Questions with Aiden O'Neill of OC Magic

Who are your sports heroes and what do you admire about them?

My sports heroes are Landon Collins, Eli Manning, and Allen Iverson. These are some of my favorite players and I try to idolize my work ethic and performances these guy put on

What do all good coaches have in common?
All good coaches have the fact that they can get the best out of all their players. 

Who is your favorite coach and why?
My favorite coach is Tom Lewis. He got the best out of me and gave me advice on how to become the best you can be 

Have you had any serious injuries to overcome?
I have had planters fasciitis

How difficult is it to balance school work and athletics?
It is easy for me to balance school and athletics 

How much time is spent training and practicing?
I spend at least one hour every day and usually more 

What have you learned about teamwork from being on this team? How does the team make you a better player?
This team makes me better because I can work on my moves and become the leader I need to be.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Questions with Will Kenner

Getting to know Will Kenner, young man with talent and skill and ready for a break through season having already been named MVP of the first tournament for OC Magic U16 in which they were victorious going 4 and 0.

Who are your sports heroes and what do you admire about them?
 1- Some sports heroes that I admire are Antonio Brown (Pittsburgh Steelers) and James Harden (Houston Rockets). Both of these athletes work insanely hard to perfect their craft despite already being the best at their jobs. They are definitely role models because of their constant drive to always improve their skill. 
What do all good coaches have in common?
2- All good coaches always have a good relationship with their players, and make important decisions in order to win. What separates a good coach from a decent coach are the little things such as how they interact with their players or what they say after games to rejuvenate them.
Who is your favorite coach and why?
3-  There are many different coaches that have helped over the years, and I can't say that I have a favorite. Each coach does something special and I have a great amount of respect for all of them. 
Have you had any serious injuries to overcome?
4- I have never had any serious injuries to overcome, and have never broken a bone in my body. Although there are many times that I am bruised up and a little sore from games, I have never had anything serious to deal with.
How difficult is it to balance school work and athletics?
5- Balancing school work and sports can be stressful at times, but I have immensely improved since freshman year. I have started using my free blocks and tutorials to  study and get ahead on homework. This makes it much easier to go to practices without having to cram in homework/studying late at night. 
How much time is spent training and practicing?
6- OC magic practices on MondayWednesday, and Thursday and occasionally on Saturday mornings. On the days that we don't practice, I lift and spend some time training with the football team. I also spend a lot of time shooting and dribbling at my house to make sure i don't get rusty. As I have gotten older, I have gotten better at balancing all my sports.
What have you learned about teamwork from being on this team? How does the team make you a better player?
7- Since I have joined this team, I feel like I have improved as a human and a player. I have learned to be leader at practice for the younger/middle school players. I have also learned the importance of communication on and off the court and how it influences teamwork.