Monday, October 9, 2017

Questions with Ludovica Albanelli

After losing a game I think of mistakes made, engaging more intensively in the practice and in the next games do not make the same mistakes and give it all.

When play basketball for me it exists only him, so crowd pressure does not feel it. 

We're all human, we're all wrong. I usually do not mind and go on my way. 

I do not think about anything, I play and I do everything to help win my team. 

I don’t have any rituals before a game because I just play ; I want to do my best every time, I want to be successful.

The most important game for me was the first one in U.S. with St. Paul High School because it’s from that game that I realized that i was opening a new life; I realized I was in the place I always dreamed about, I was living my dream and I still am.

I want my team mates to remember me for who I really am, on the court and outside.

I do not want to do any other sport because basketball is my life, my happiness. but if I have to choose to make soccer. 

Questions with Anthony Mendoza

Anthony Mendoza

How do you deal with the pressure of having to perform in front of the crowd?        
  • The pressure of my mom watching me play is a lot worse than the general crowd but I just think " what's the worst that can happen " because at the end of the day it's just a game and I'm a kid 

How did you stay motivated after a tough loss? 
  • After a loss I imagine what I could have done better to win and usually the answer is be a better shooter or play better defense so to fix that I automatically get in the gym to get better. Basketball is a game of adjustments where you have to keep getting better at your craft. And when I get tired I just remember the pain from losing is worse than the pain of working out. 

How do you channel your frustration when the referee’s decision doesn’t go your way?
  • I believe and was taught that I work hard enough and am skilled enough that if a referee makes a bad call or a mistake on a call I have the power to still win or make the points back therefore, I don't get too frustrated. 

What are you thinking when you get benched in a game?
  • Of course I am not happy but I know I am being benched for a reason, either I wasn't playing well or I am tired. Therefore, if I want to stay in the game longer I need to limit mistakes or try to get my second wind during a dead ball or a foul shot rather than needing to be sat down. 

Do you have any rituals that you must perform before a game and why?
  • The week before a big game I work on my shot and handles a lot, mostly repetition. The morning before I get shots up but not so many shots, I work more on my form and touch. Then pregame I pray to God and ask that he would help preform.  

What was the most important game you played? Why?
  • The most important game I've ever played in would have to be the CIF Championship that we would end up winning because this is the game that gave me a lot of exposure and an unexplainable feeling that I will strive for until my last time playing basketball. This is a feeling of pure joy that came from hard work which makes it so much sweeter. 

How do you want your team mates to remember you?
  • I want them to remember as a good person. At the end of the day I want them to remember having fun with me and I want to have a bond in which we both pushed each other to get better. 

If you didn’t play basketball what sport would you like to play? why?     
  • If I didn't play basketball I think I would put all of my time into school and also get more hours at work to save up for college and to possibly buy a house. I would do this because the way to be successful the fastest is to be the first of your peers to do something. If I could get a house first I would financially be ahead of my peers.